NHS can help you prepare for homeownership the NeighborWorks® way
Buying a home is the most expensive purchase most families will ever make, so it’s important to make the right decisions. NHS offers a HUD-approved homeownership education program for potential homebuyers.
The participants receive helpful information about the advantages and responsibilities of homeownership. This program promotes preparation by teaching the steps in the home-buying process and focuses on the details to help you avoid costly mistakes. The program is sponsored by many of the Kansas City area’s largest and most respected lending institutions.
NHS’s Homeownership Education Program is delivered by homeownership advisors through workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions. Workshops are offered each month. After attending a workshop, you may schedule a one-on-one mortgage planning session. During this session, the homeownership advisor will evaluate your credit history, help you determine what houses you may afford based on income and debt, and review your family’s expenses.
Read about our Educational Workshops and take the first step to becoming a successful homeowner!